UG2 Workshop ’19

The second glider workshop brought together the European-based Everyone’s Gliding Observatories (EGO) and the newly formed U.S. Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) to strengthen international collaboration through community dialogue, exchanges of information, sharing of experiences, and development of best practices to support the glider community.

Workshop Reports

Workshop Themes


  • International Cooperation: How do we effectively enable sharing and access across EEZs to collectively address science challenges?
  • Exploring Extreme Environments: How do we optimize glider missions to meet scientific objectives in demanding situations (e.g., sea ice, currents, storms, maritime traffic, etc.?)
  • Leveraging Partnerships & Collaboration: What types of partnerships have worked and should be models for advancing glider capabilities?
  • US Glider User Group: How do we empower a robust and active community of glider users in the U.S.?


  • Training and Education: How do we enhance training and education opportunities for students, operators, managers, and users?
  • Asset Sharing and Funding Opportunities: How do we promote collaborative opportunities for glider missions and build the case for more funding?
  • Communication Tools: What are the best ways for sharing knowledge on gliders across the community?
  • OceanObs’19 & UN Ocean Decade: What is the strategy for the next decade of regional, national, and global ocean observing using glider technologies?


  • Data Management and New Requirements: What are some near-term, practical implementation strategies towards achieving sound data management for glider activities and meeting new requirements
  • Documenting Best Practices: How can we collect, develop, verify, and communicate best practices most effectively?
  • Reliability and Sustained Monitoring: What are the fundamental strategies for minimizing operational reliability risks for sustained glider missions?
  • New Sensors and Sampling Strategies: How can new and existing sensors be more effectively deployed on gliders?

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To view more photos of the events, click here: EGO/UG2 Conference 2019


Name Affiliation Abstract Presentation
Adeniyi Adenaya National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Abstract Oral Presentation
Richard Arena University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth Abstract Oral Presentation
Maria Aristizabal Vargas Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Bàrbara Barceló-Llull IMEDEA (Spain) and APL-UW (USA) Abstract Oral Presentation
Carlos Barrera Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) Abstract Oral Presentation
François Bourrin CEFREM-CNRS-UPVD (France) Abstract Oral Presentation
Wendell Brown University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Abstract Oral Presentation
Justin Buck National Oceanography Centre (NOC), British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) Abstract Oral Presentation
Mark Bushnell U.S. IOOS Abstract Oral Presentation
Filipa Carvalho National Oceanography Centre Abstract Oral Presentation
Guilherme Castelao Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Oral Presentation
Pierre Cauchy University of East Anglia Abstract Oral Presentation
Adam Comeau Dahousie University Abstract Oral Presentation
Robert Currier GCOOS/TAMU Abstract Oral Presentation
George Cutter NOAA Abstract Oral Presentation
Rich Delgado The University of Southern Mississippi Abstract Oral Presentation
Dario Diehl SCCWRP Abstract Oral Presentation
Steven DiMarco Texas A&M University Abstract Oral Presentation
Catherine Edwards Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Department of Marine Sciences, UGA Abstract Oral Presentation
Lina Eyouni KAUST Abstract Oral Presentation
Bob Fratantonio RPS Abstract Oral Presentation
Mathieu Gentil CERFREM-CNRS (France) Abstract Oral Presentation
Donglai Gong Virginia Institute of Marine Science – William & Mary Abstract Oral Presentation
Gustavo Goni NOAA/AOML Abstract Oral Presentation
Joleen Heiderich MIT/WHOI Joint Program Abstract Oral Presentation
Emma Heslop IOC/UNESCO Abstract Oral Presentation
Karen Heywood University of East Anglia Abstract Oral Presentation
Loic Houpert National Oceanography Centre Abstract Oral Presentation
Katherine Hudson University of Delaware Abstract Oral Presentation
Khushboo Jhugroo University of Auckland Abstract Oral Presentation
Gerd Krahmann GEOMAR Abstract Oral Presentation
Hak Soo Lim Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Abstract Oral Presentation
Atle Lohrmann Nortek Abstract Oral Presentation
Alvar Lorenzo Lopez National Oceanography Centre Abstract Oral Presentation
Katia Mallil LOCEAN UMR 7159 Abstract Oral Presentation
Félix Margirier Sorbonne Université – LOCEAN IPSL CNRS Abstract Oral Presentation
Jeanne Melkonian CNRS DT-INSU Abstract Oral Presentation
Lucas Merckelbach Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research Abstract Oral Presentation
Travis Miles Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Schuyler Nardelli Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Kevin O’Brien University of Washington, JISAO, JCOMM OCG Abstract Oral Presentation
Joanne O’Callaghan NIWA Abstract Oral Presentation
Dawn Petraitis NOAA National Data Buoy Center Abstract Oral Presentation
Christian Reiss NOAA Abstract Oral Presentation
Daniel Rudnick Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Oral Presentation
Grace Saba Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Alejandra Sanchez-Rios Oregon State University Abstract Oral Presentation
Pierre Testor CNRS Abstract Oral Presentation
Robert Todd Woods H Abstract Oral Presentation
Kate Tremblay UMassD- SMAST Abstract Oral Presentation
Taku Wagawa Japan Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency Abstract Oral Presentation
Laura Wiltsee Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Katherine Zaba Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Oral Presentation
William Douglas Wilson OCOVI Abstract Oral Presentation
Nikolaos Zarokanellos SOCIB Abstract Oral Presentation
Leila Belabbassi (Baghdad-Brahim) Rutgers University Abstract Poster
Carlos Barrera Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) Abstract Poster
Melany Belzile Fisheries and Oceans Canada Abstract Poster
Jeffrey Book U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Abstract Poster
Francis Bringas NOAA Abstract Poster
Guilherme Castelao Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Poster
Anthony Cossio NOAA/SWFSC/AERD Abstract Poster
Rob Gregor CSIRO Abstract Poster
Dave Hebert Fisheries and Oceans Canada Abstract Poster
Stephanie Henson National Oceanography Centre Abstract Poster
Loic Houpert National Oceanography Centre Abstract Poster
John Kerfoot Rutgers University Abstract Poster
Elena Mauri OGS Abstract Poster
John Moloney JASCO Applied Sciences Abstract Poster
Laura Nazzaro Rutgers University Abstract Poster
Mark Ohman Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Poster
Matthew Palmer NOC Abstract Poster
Marcia Pearson Dalhousie University Abstract Poster
Alice Ren Scripps Institution of Oceanography Abstract Poster
Kai Salm Tallinn University of Technology Abstract Poster
Emma Slater BODC – NOC Abstract Poster
Harrison Smith University of Delaware Abstract Poster
Yui Takeshita MBARI Abstract Poster
Kimmo Tikka Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Abstract Poster
Daniel Haixing Wang Virginia Institute of Marine Science Abstract Poster
Elizabeth Wright-Fairbanks Rutgers University Abstract Poster
Scott Glenn Rutgers University Abstract Oral Presentation
Dan Hayes University of Cyprus Abstract Oral Presentation

Organized and Supported By


Barb Kirkpatrick (GCOOS)
Brad deYoung (Canada)
Craig Lee (UW)
Michael Crowley (MARACOOS Rutgers)
David Legler (OAR)
Dan Rudnick (SCCOS Scripps)

Emma Heslop (GOOS)
Emily Smith (OAR)
Scott Glenn (MARACOOS Rutgers)
Pierre Testor (EGO)
John Kerfoot (MARACOOS Rutgers)
Oscar Schofield (MARACOOS Rutgers)
Kruti Desai (COL)
Victor Turpin (EGO)

Ben LaCour (IOOS)
Nick Rome (COL)
Ruth Perry (Shell)
Ruth Curry
Kevin Martin (USM)
Stephan Howden (USM)
Emily Wallace (NOAA)
Andrew George (NOAA)