What’s and what’s not in my Garage? (Part 1)
This webinar featured five members of the community who discussed their geographically varying labs and operations. Watch the recording now!
This webinar featured five members of the community who discussed their geographically varying labs and operations. Watch the recording now!
Speakers: A Brief Introduction to the University of Alaska Fairbanks Glider Center: Hank Statscewich, University of Alaska Fairbanks Studying the carbon cycle using pH sensors on Spray underwater gliders: Yui […]
Speakers: Overview: Kathy Bailey, NOAA GOMEX Ops: Kerri Whilden, Texas A&M SECOORA Ops: Catherine Edwards, UGA, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography MARACOOS Ops: Mike Crowley, Rutgers CARICOOS Ops: Julio Morell, CARICOOS […]