UG2 Blog

The Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) is a community-based coalition aimed at bolstering scientific collaboration and information/resource sharing for glider operators, data users, manufacturers, academia, and government agencies.
code sprint event

2024 IOOS Code Sprint

21–23 May 2024 – a hybrid event hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS).   The IOOS Code Sprint is a 3-day hackathon style event on 21-23 May 2024,

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Technical Sessions Webinar

Presentations: Consortium of Great Lakes Gliders: hypoxia, turnover and primary production: Marguerite A. Xenopoulos, Canada Research Chair in Global Change of Freshwater Ecosystems, Trent University OceanGNS: platform for glider mission

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What’s in my Garage? (Part 1)

What’s in my Garage (cont’d) Panel: James Pegg, Marine Technician, Ocean Gliders Canada, Canadian-Pacific Robotic Ocean Observing Facility (C-PROOF) Stuart Pearce, Endurance Array Glider Lead, Ocean Observatories Initiative, Oregon State University Daniel R. Hayes, Managing

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Passive Acoustics (Part 1)

Part 1 of the Passive Acoustics webinar   Passive Acoustics Panel: Passive Acoustic Receiving on Gliders: Advantages and Challenges Dr. Lora Van Uffelen, Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode

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Passive Acoustics (Part 2)

Part 2 of the Passive Acoustics webinar Passive Acoustics Panel: Archival and Near Real-Time Passive Acoustic Monitoring from Slocum Gliders Using the Digital Acoustic Monitoring (DMON) Instrument Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole

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Data webinar

Data Management 101 Webinar

A data management focused webinar with a presentation from Jennifer Bowers on data management 101 from the glider perspective and John Kerfoot on the OG1.0 format. Data Management Presenters: Jennifer

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women working with gliders webinar

Women Working With Gliders Webinar

A fantastic panel of accomplished women working with underwater gliders in a variety of sectors provide their experiences as women in STEM, advice for overcoming obstacles, and recommendations. Panelists: Karen

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