Underwater Glider User group

a community-based coalition aimed at bolstering scientific collaboration, information, and resource sharing for gliders

The Power of Underwater Gliders

Underwater gliders are a unique and important observing system used to serve a variety of subsurface observing missions. Gliders can monitor water currents, temperature, tagged animals and oceanographic conditions that reveal effects from storms, impacts on fisheries, and the quality of our water. This data creates a more complete picture of what is happening in the ocean, as well as trends that scientists can detect, and use to inform management efforts.

These versatile vehicles collect information from deep water, as well as at the surface at a lower cost with reduced risk. More and more gliders are being deployed and are revolutionizing how we observe our ocean. 

a community working together

The Underwater Glider User Group (UG2) is a community-based coalition aimed at bolstering scientific collaboration and information/resource sharing for glider operators, data users, manufacturers, academia, and government agencies with a primary focus on U.S. operations.